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event staffing

There's a lot that goes into planning a corporate event. You've set the stage, planned the content, and made sure your products are in the best condition possible. Needless to say, you've put a lot of time and effort into this event; the stakes are high.

Social engagement is a critical part of any event. Without it, your efforts to boost brand awareness and deliver a good return on investment will be in vain. But how can you make sure the social engagement at your event is at its best and that your business is truly memorable?

Here are a few tips you can use to drive social engagement at your own corporate events.

Hire professional event staffing

You may not think you need event staffing because of how many employees your company has. But how many of your employees are able to explain your new product to a consumer and how many of them outside your sales team are great at holding a conversation?

When you hire event staffing, you're investing in a team of professionals whose job it is to know your business, products, and services front to back while engaging with consumers and potential business partners. Event staffing and product ambassadors can make your event really memorable.

Live stream your event

Live streaming is incredibly popular and the good news is you don't necessarily need a professional videographer to capture everything. A team member who's a major fan of Facebook Live can give your event just as much coverage.

Live streaming gives you the ability to reach a wider audience and engage with consumers who either aren't able to make it to your event or live too far away to be there in person. That said, even though live streaming is done online, you're still boosting social engagement.

Be as unique as possible

Social engagement can feel like an arms race when you're competing with whatever's happening on the Internet. One of the best ways to get people at your event to stay engaged is to offer something they've never seen or done before.

Don't be afraid to try something new at your event. After all, the goal is to get your business to stand out from the crowd.

Interested in using event staffing for your next corporate event?

In a 2016 survey, up to 74% of respondents reported that they were more likely to buy products that were promoted to them at a live event. Event staffing can help you take your corporate event to the next level and boost your brand awareness.

Brand Besties are the promotional brand ambassadors you need to leave a lasting positive impression on your consumers, clients, potential business partners. To learn more about how to staff your promotional event with us, contact Brand Besties today.

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